Sunday, 3 April 2011

OS Flitch and Inner Wing Surgery

I finished grinding down the welds on the inner wing. Cursed my lack of forward planning numerous times while trying to get my grinder inside the dash without chopping my fingers off. Will definitely make sure all the welds are on the outside next time. Also going to look into an air-powered grinding thing. Apparently they are smaller and easier to handle than the electric counterpart...? Anyway, I made this repair to the rotten end of the dash rail that I had cut off earlier. Quite proud of this because it was a pain in the arse to shape!

With the off-side looking much more healthy, I turned my attention to the near-side inner wing and flitch:

It came away much quicker than the other side, now that I have a better idea of what i'm doing. The pile of amputated panels inside the car is getting quite big now!

I cut out the dodgy areas of the bulkhead as I was going. This is the queue of knackered bits waiting to be fabricated/replaced.

Much to my dismay I've noticed lately that tiny specs of rust were appearing through the primer in the areas of the bulkhead that I'd already treated. I decided the only thing for it was to strip the whole thing and do it again. This time I tried to get rid of as much of the badness as possible with a wire cup and flap disc. Also chopped off all those little flaps of metal that hold pipes and wires in place as they all seemed to be harbouring rust. Will replace later with a more elegant solution.

MOAR kurust:

Grey primer X 2:

Phew! Thats all for now! Do love the light evenings though - makes such a difference to mini progress!

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